Privacy Policy

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Privacy policy/Regulation S-P

Lumina Investment Advisors, LLC views protecting private information regarding its clients and  potential clients as a top priority. Pursuant to the requirements of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (the”GLBA”) and guidelines established by the Securities Exchange Commission regarding the Privacy of Consumer Financial Information (Regulation S-P), the Company has instituted the following policies and procedures in an effort to ensure that such nonpublic private information is kept private and secure. This policy also outlines what the Company and its associated persons are allowed to use the confidential personal information collected in connection with its advisory activities. 

Regulation S-P defines “consumer” as an individual who obtains or has obtained a financial product or  service from a financial institution primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, or for that  individual’s legal representative. Generally, an individual is a consumer if he or she provides nonpublic  information to the Company in connection with obtaining or seeking to obtain investment advisory  services, whether or not the Company provides such services to the individual or establishes a  continuing relationship with the individual. 

“Customer” is defined as a consumer who has an on-going relationship with the institution. Generally, a  customer is a consumer who has an investment advisory contract with the Company (whether written or oral) and/or the Company regularly effects or engages in securities transactions with or for a consumer even though the Company does not hold assets of the consumer. 

While these terms have specific definitions, for the purposes of the Company’s policies, both  consumers and customers will be collectively referred to as “clients” (or “potential clients” or “former  clients” where applicable). 

This policy serves as formal documentation of the Company’s ongoing commitment to the privacy of its  clients. All Associated Persons will be expected to read, understand, and abide by this policy, as well  as to follow all related procedures to uphold the standards of privacy and security set forth by the  Company. This Policy, and the related procedures contained herein, is designed to comply with  applicable privacy laws, including the GLBA, and to protect nonpublic personal information of the  Company’s clients. 

The Company is aware that some states impose more specific requirements for safeguarding personal  information against unauthorized disclosure and for responding to information security breaches. In the event the firm registers in such jurisdictions with strict privacy-related laws or regulations affecting  the information practices of the Company, this Privacy Policy will be revised as necessary and any changes will be disseminated and explained to all personnel.

This Privacy Policy covers the practices of the Company and applies to all nonpublic personally  identifiable information, including information contained in consumer reports, of our current and former  clients.

In Regulation S-P, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) published guidelines,  pursuant to section 501(b) of the GLBA, that address the steps a financial institution should take in  order to protect client information. The overall security standards that must be upheld are: 

  1. Ensuring the security and confidentiality of client records and information; 
  2. Protecting against any anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of client  records and information; and 
  3. Protecting against unauthorized access to or use of client records or information that could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to any client.
  1. Each Associated Person has a duty to protect the nonpublic personal information of clients  collected by the Company. 
  2. Each Associated Person has a duty to ensure that nonpublic personal information of the

    Company’s clients is shared only with Associated Persons and others in a way that is  consistent with the Company’s Privacy Notice and the procedures contained in this Policy. 

  1. Each Associated Person has a duty to ensure that access to nonpublic personal information of  the Company’s clients is limited as provided in the Privacy Notice and this Policy. 
  2. No Associated Person is authorized to sell, on behalf of the Company or otherwise, nonpublic  information of the Company’s clients. 
  3. Associated Persons with questions concerning the collection and sharing of, or access to,  nonpublic personal information of the Company’s clients must look to the Company’s CCO for guidance. 
  4. Violations of these policies and procedures will be addressed in a manner consistent with other Company disciplinary guidelines.

The Company limits the use, collection, and retention of client or potential client information to what we  believe is necessary or useful to conduct our business or to offer quality products, services, and other  opportunities that may be of interest to our clients or potential clients. 

The Company collects nonpublic personal information about clients and/or potential clients from  various sources. These sources and examples of types of information collected include: 

  1. Product and service applications or other forms, such as client surveys, agreements, etc., which  typically request name, address, telephone number, social security number or taxpayer ID  number, date of birth, employment status, annual income, and net worth;
  1. Information about transactions with the Company and account custodian(s), such as account  balance, types of transactions, parties to the transactions, and investment history. 
  2. Information received from consumer reporting agencies, such as credit reports. 

The Company has a “do not share” policy. We do not disclose nonpublic personal information to  nonaffiliated third parties, except under one of the GLBA privacy exceptions, as described below.  Since the Company currently operates under a “do not share” policy, it does not need to provide the  right for its clients to opt out of sharing with nonaffiliated third parties, as long as such entities are  exempted as described below. If our information sharing practices change in the future, we will  implement opt out policies and procedures, and we will make appropriate disclosures to our clients. 

In certain circumstances, Regulation S-P permits the Company to share nonpublic personal  information about its clients with nonaffiliated third parties without providing an opportunity for those individuals to opt out. These circumstances include sharing information with a non-affiliate (1) as necessary to effect, administer, or enforce a transaction that a client requests or authorizes; (2) in  connection with processing or servicing a financial product or a service a client authorizes; and (3) in connection with maintaining or servicing a client account with the Company. 

Service Providers – From time to time, the Company may have relationships with nonaffiliated third  parties (such as attorneys, auditors, accountants, brokers, custodians, and other consultants), who, in  the ordinary course of providing their services to us, may require access to information containing  nonpublic information. These third-party service providers are necessary for us to provide our  investment advisory services. When we are not comfortable that service providers (e.g., attorneys,  auditors, and other financial institutions) are already bound by duties of confidentiality, we require  assurances from those service providers that they will maintain the confidentiality of nonpublic  information they obtain from or through us. In addition, we select and retain service providers that we  believe are capable of maintaining appropriate safeguards for nonpublic information, and we will  require contractual agreements from our service providers that they will implement and maintain such  safeguards. 

Processing and Servicing Transactions – The Company may also share information when it is  necessary to effect, administer, or enforce a transaction requested or authorized by clients. In this  context, “necessary to affect, administer, or enforce a transaction”: includes what is required or is a  usual, appropriate, or acceptable method: 

  1. To carry out the transaction or the product or service business of which the transaction is a part,  and record, service, or maintain the clients account in the ordinary course of providing the financial service or financial product; 
  2. To administer or service benefits or claims relating to the transaction or the product or service  of which it is a part; 
  3. To provide a confirmation, statement, or other record of the transaction, or information on the  status or value of the financial service or financial product to the client or the client’s agent or broker.

Sharing as Permitted or Required by Law. The Company may disclose information to nonaffiliated  third parties as required or allowed by law. For example, this may include disclosures in connection  with a subpoena or similar legal process, a fraud investigation, recording of deeds of trust and  mortgages in public records, an audit, or examination, or the sale of an account to another financial  institution. 

By understanding how the Company shares data with its clients, their agents, service providers, parties  related to transactions in the ordinary course of business, or joint marketers, the Company endeavors to ensure that client data is shared only within the exceptions noted above.

The Company has developed a Privacy Notice, as required under Regulation S-P, to be delivered to  clients initially and to current clients on an annual basis. The notice discloses the Company’s  information collection and sharing practices and other required information. The notice will be revised  as necessary any time information practices change. A copy of the Company’s Privacy Notice is  included as Appendix D. 

1. Initial Privacy Notice – As regulations require, all new clients receive an initial Privacy Notice  at the time the client relationship is established (i.e., upon execution of the agreement for  services). 

2. Annual Privacy Notice – The GLBA regulations require that disclosure of the Privacy Policy be  provided to existing clients on an annual basis. The Company will deliver its annual Privacy Notice in conjunction with the annual offer of its ADV Part 2.

Regulation S-P requires that the Company amend its Privacy Policy and promptly distribute a revised  disclosure to clients, if there is a change in the Company’s collection, sharing, or security practices. 

If two or more individuals jointly obtain a financial product or service from the Company, the Company  may satisfy the initial, annual, and revised notice requirements by providing one notice to those  individuals jointly. 

Safeguarding of Client Records and Information 

The Company has implemented internal controls and procedures designed to maintain accurate  records concerning client personal information. The Company’s clients have the right to contact the Company if they believe that Company records contain inaccurate, incomplete, or stale information about them. The Company will respond in a timely manner to requests to correct information. 

To protect client and personal information, including consumer report information, the Company  maintains the following security measures and safeguards for the storage of, access to, and disposal of client personal information, including consumer report information, obtained and/or maintained in  hard copy and/or electronically, as well as access and protections of its computer and information  systems: 

  1. limiting access to nonpublic and consumer report information to those Associated Persons who  require the information in order to help us provide services; 
  2. locking rooms and file cabinets where paper records are stored; 
  3. protecting storage areas against destruction or potential damage from environmental hazards; 
  4. storing electronic nonpublic and consumer report information on a secure server that is  accessible only with a password; 
  5. maintaining secure backup media; 
  6. storing archived data off-line and/or in a physically-secure area; 
  7. supervising the disposal of records containing nonpublic and consumer report information; 
  8. shredding nonpublic and consumer report information recorded on paper and storing such  material in a secure area until it is collected by a recycling service; 
  9. erasing all data when disposing of computers, diskettes, magnetic tapes, hard drives, or any other electronic media containing nonpublic and consumer report information;
  10. disposing of outdated nonpublic and consumer report information promptly;
  11. using anti-virus software that updates automatically; and
  12. maintaining up-to-date firewalls.

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